Reddit abita mystery house
Reddit abita mystery house

reddit abita mystery house

Hambone is one of those spots that just says, hey let's forget about all the glitter and lace and get back to what restaurants should be about: great food, and warm hospitality. People of the Northshore won't let you get away with calling it just "a suburb of New Orleans"-there's a pace and an attitude and even a physical freshness in the air that forces you take a deep breath and realize that where you are is pretty special, and has a unique cultural identity of its own. There is some cool stuff happening there! I'll tell you what it's not, though: it's not Bourbon Street or any of the club/party/hand grenade scene some people come to New Orleans looking for, and that's because it is not New Orleans and it's not trying to be. from New Orleans or from literally anywhere else. I've literally lost friends from moving to new neighborhoods, not because of any bad blood, but because no, Lauren, I will not, under any circumstances, travel the 20 minutes it takes to get to your party in the Riverbend now that I'm living in the Bywater, etc., etc.īut look, the Northshore is WORTH. I've lived here my whole life, and it permeates through pretty much every aspect of like, everything. There's this vibe in New Orleans that's all about sticking to your neighborhood and not going too far out of it, ever. But turns out? Northshore of Louisiana is kind of really cool. The difference being, New Jersey might legitimately just suck. From New Orleans, all you have to do to get there is cross the lake via a 24-mile bridge called the Causeway (it's the world's longest bridge over water) - but most of New Orleans talks about going there the same way New Yorkers talk about going to New Jersey.

reddit abita mystery house

If you're not familiar with our area (South Louisiana), the Northshore is what we call the area north of Lake Pontchartrain.

Reddit abita mystery house