In the case of the drifting particulate matter (PM 10 and PM 2.5) examined in this study, the 24-hour limit value for PM 10 is 50µg/m 3, whereas its annual limit is 40 µg/m 3. The European Union has set a goal to reduce this, thus imposing limit values to air pollutants that need to be observed by all EU member states (Directive 2008/ 50/CE).

Keywords: dew point temperature, particle matter, dew point depression, lifting condensation level, air quality index The pollution of the atmosphere of the earth is increasing all the time. Otherwise, the concentration of PM 10 particles was lower. When the daily temperature fell below the multi-annual monthly average dew point, high PM 10 concentrations could be observed. These are characterized by quite high PM 10 concentration, low dew point depression, as well as almost saturated air mass. Examining the average values of several years, eight inversion episodes have been identified, generally occurring almost at the same period of the year. The frequent atmosphere stability resulting from the relief features of the basin causes frequent temperature inversion – high barometric air pressure, increasing the relative humidity of the air. The results show that in the colder periods PM 10 concentrations in the air are more abundant, and the daily variations of the concentration of this particulate matter in the air is primarily defined by specific basin conditions. The model was presently only tested for the conditions of the Ciuc basin, yet the examination of the results of the model based on PM 10 temperature – dew point dependency, is also planned in the case of other basins. The present paper aimed to create an easily accessible and usable model on the level of the Ciuc basin in Transylvania, Romania, in order to forecast the periods when the concentration of drifting dust exceeds the limits that are still not harmful for human health. Breathing in air polluted with drifting dust harms human health, therefore predicting the concentration of air pollutants and the timely warning of the most sensitive target groups are very important.